Thursday, October 22, 2009

This poem was given to us! We appreicate all the love and support you give us! Blessings!

There is no job more important than yours,
no job anywhere else in the land.
You are the keepers of the future;
you hold the smallest of hands.

Into your care you are trustedto
nurture and care for the young,
and for all of your everyday heroics,
your talents and skills go unsung.

You wipe tears from the eyes of the injured.
You rock babies brand new in your arms.
You encourage the shy and unsure child.
You make sure they are safe from all harm.

You foster the bonds of friendships,
letting no child go away mad.
You respect and you honor their emotions.
You give hugs to each child when they're sad.

You have more impact than does a professor,
a child's mind is molded by four;
so whatever you lay on the table
is whatever the child will explore.

Give each child the tools for adventure,
let them be artists and writers and more;
let them fly on the wind and dance on the stars
and build castles of sand on the shore.

It is true that you don't make much money
and you don't get a whole lot of praise,
but when one small child says "I love you",
you're reminded of how this job pays.

Where would you like to go?
Today like millions of other Americans
I went to work.
I didn't design a beautifulskyscraper,
I didn't write a proposal to save an endangered species,
I didn't drive a bus or fly a plane,
or write a crucial bill that would someday become law,
I did spend time with some very important people.
I read a story to an attorney,
I sang the alphabet song with a Supreme Court justice,
I ate lunch with a pastor,
Patted the back of an engineer until he feel asleep,
Taught a policeman how to tie his shoes,
And introduced an astronaut to the color red.
who knows whom I'll meet,
but one thing is for sure…
They will be very important -
For they are our precious children, and the hope of our very future!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Well this was my first attempt at video recording for the Infant Room! Sorry it is so bad, I will get better!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lots of fun pictures!!! Some have wrong dates and they are out of order..Sorry

Best Buds ever!

The date is wrong :(
April 2009
The beginning of construction!


The smiling Gavin!

Fun times!
Kaelynn how does the boat taste?

Memphis....She is the sparkle of my eye!

The amazing Kiera!
Finding the mud!

I need to work on the tractor!

Our little buddy Zack!
Hi! Lydia picking her "flowers"!
Handsome Owen!

Outside fun!

Playing games!

Some of the yummy cookies!

Kaelynn enjoying the cupcakes!

Lilliana having yummy cupcakes for her first birthday party at school :)

Cole having lots of fun with Miss Tracey!

Lovely Camille Decorating Cookies!! Yummy!

Lillian's Birthday Party!!

Beautiful Miss Kristen!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We have a Blog!

We now have blog!! This will give parents and teachers a chance to post pictures and check up on how their child is doing in class! We encourage you to add messages and comments to this page! Again thank you for your love and support! God is amazing! Thank you for letting us spend the day with your miracles!